
Artwork Readiness

An electronic art file is considered “ready” when the artwork is used as delivered. Any modifications that need to be made to the artwork may result in extra charges or delays.

Mechanical Artwork

The traditional standard for acceptable mechanical artwork is “camera-ready” black-and-white material. Any modifications that need to be made to the artwork may result in extra charges or delays.

Art Files

Artwork supplied in AI and EPS formats are preferred(Adobe Illustrator). Any image printing in more than one color should have a “spot color” assigned to the desired image area. For one-color prints, assign the designated imprint color as a “spot-color” as well. Any typeset paths within the file must be converted to outlines. Line thinknesses cannot be below 0.5 pts. This will ensure optimum quality for your print. TIFF Files, and JPG files are also acceptable, though they MUST be at least 300dpi, black and white – No Halftones.

File formats that cannot be accepted are: Word documents, JPEG images, GIF images, or bitmaps (BMPs). These formats do not have the flexibility we need to produce the best quality prints.

Please provide a printed proof with your art file. If in electronic form, please send a PDF attachment along with your art file to

Always be sure to include your company name and your purchase order number. Our designs are PC-based and we can accept the following media types: USB Flash Drives, CD-Roms, and above mentioned formats sent by e-mail.

If you have any questions about artwork readiness, please email us.

Size and Position

Your purchase order must clearly specify if artwork is one side, two sides, opposite the handle, or a wraparound. Your order must also clearly state if the art is to exact size, or if it needs to be enlarged or reduced. In absence of these instructions, we will use our own discretion. If the order is lacking specific instructions for the art size and location, no claims will be processed. Imprint locations are defined as follows:

Artwork Dimensions

When emailing Purchase Orders, please carbon copy both and

Production Time

Standard production time is 10 business days after the order is received. Orders needing artwork, pre-production samples, or special packaging may extend the overall turnaround time. Any changes to the order or artwork may also cause a delayed shipment. During the peak months of October – December, production and shipping time may be extended as well, we will try to process your order as quickly as possible in all situations.


Due to material cost fluctuations, prices throughout this catalog, and on our downloadable catalog pages are subject to change without notice. Archer’s Decorative Glass Corporation, DBA Adglass is not liable for any typographical errors contained in this catalog, on our website, or any of the downloadable materials.

Special Packaging

If you’re in need of special repacking cartons, such as single mailers, 2, 4, or 6 pack mailers, please contact F.O.B. Factory. “Gift Boxes” with special imprinting not available, white corrugated mailer boxes only.