Color Ink Guide

Please note that when printed on glass, colors tend to be more ‘transparent” than when printed on ceramic; therefore, inks are subject to darken slightly when printed on dark ceramic colors. All PMS colors are based on a white background.

Special color matching is available ($70.00g), although a 100% match is NOT guaranteed.

#12Satin Etch (printed to look like an etch)
#13Light Gray - approximate pms 428c
#14Medium Gray - approximate pms 429c
#15Dark Gray - approximate pms 431c
#30Bright Yellow - approximate pms 109c
#31Medium Yellow - approximate pms 1235c
#32Athletic Yellow - approximate pms 1375c
#36Bright Red - approximate pms 185c
#40Orange - approximate pms 172c
#41Pink - approximate pms 182c
#42Red/Orange - approximate pms 179c
#43Red - approximate pms 186c
#44Dark Red - approximate pms 201c
#45Burgandy - approximate pms 202c
#46Lavendar - approximate pms 5205c
#47Purple - approximate pms 2665c/violet c
#50Brown - approximate pms 1815c
#51Brown - approximate pms 181c
#52Tan - approximate pms 728c
#60Green - approximate pms 349c
#61Lime Green - approximate pms 363c
#63Bright Green - approximate pms 368c
#66Green - approximate pms 347c
#70Teal - approximate pms 322c
#71Light Teal - approximate pms 325c
#80Light Blue - approximate pms 299c /process
#81Royal Blue - approximate pms 286c
#82Reflex Blue - approximate pms 288c /reflex
#83VD Blue - approximate
pms 289c
Simulated GoldApproximate pms 871u
Simulated SilverApproximate pms 877u

Open printable General Information document.